Full Stack Web Developer / QA Engineer
Minor in Computer Science
November 2019 - January 2021
January 2021 - Present
These are a few mini web applications I have built for practice and fun
Allows users to publicly post their activities in a journal board. Created using React, Express and MongoDB Atlas. Deployed on Heroku.
Worked in a team of 4 developers to create an application for searching recipes using two different APIs
Implemented a game to guess letters in a phrase using JavaScript. Learned how to use Constructers in JavaScript.
Allows users to search any book and save to database. Created using React Express and MongoDB Atlas. Deployed on Heroku.
Python Script to analyze a set of data. Computes statistics of the dataset with Pandas package.
Click game to excercise memory. Created using React. Deployed on Heroku.
Please send an email to davidm989@gmail.com
Toronto, ON
647 640 6630